The new season of Baltic Handball League is approaching fast and starts on 2 September. Not only has the system changed and several new clubs joining the league, today we are happy to introduce the new logo of the competition before the 2020/21 season begins next Wednesday.
“With the formation of the Baltic Handball Association (BHA) last year, we also would like to bring new features to the Baltic Handball League. All three countries in the Baltics have substantial handball communities and one of our objectives is to bring them closer together and unite them,” commented BHL manager Urmo Sitsi.
“Handball is an attractive game and has in recent years gone through many innovations. We would like to modernise our competition as well and make it more youthful, as well as more united between three countries,” added Sitsi at the launch of the BHL logo.
“The new logo features the flags of the three Baltic states that have been given the form of hands, symbolising not only the sport of handball, but also teamwork, good sportsmanship, and cooperation between the nations that transcends both sports and borders. The circular shape, apart from being a ball, is a symbol for unity and wholeness, as well. The perceived spiralling motion of the hands represents organisation and balance, staying on track,” explained project manager Mikk Jürisson.
“The lead designer behind the new logo was Aks Karla Ribelius, but we received great help from everyone involved, providing us deeper understanding of the core values of handball. We would like thank the BHA for their guidance, good communication and trust,” added Jürisson.